Aerial view of a dirt road winding through a lush, green forest.

Sustainable bonds.

Note: This information is not a recommendation to invest or an offer to sell.

In October 2022, Laurentian Bank launched its first Sustainable Bond Framework, letting us issue Green, Social, and Sustainability bonds – collectively known as Sustainable bonds. This initiative aligns with our commitment to one of our key strategic pillars: Making the better choice.

Our Sustainable bonds support projects in the following areas:

Renewable energy

Green buildings

Energy efficiency

Low-carbon transportation

Affordable housing

Access to essential services

Majority women-owned SME financing

Leadership in diversity and inclusion

Our sustainability message.

At Laurentian Bank, we believe we can change banking for the better by supporting our customers in making the better choice in terms of environmental, social and governance (ESG) best practices.

The introduction of this Sustainable Bond Framework is a critical step in the rollout of the Bank’s strategic plan, which is anchored in a commitment to incorporating ESG into all of our operations and activities.

Second-party opinion.

Sustainalytics completed a second-party opinion on the Framework and stated, "Sustainalytics is of the opinion that the Laurentian Bank Sustainable Bond Framework is credible and impactful and aligns with the Sustainability Bond Guidelines 2021, Green Bond Principles 2021, and Social Bond Principles 2021."