Interac e-Transfer is a registered trademark of Interac Corp. Used under licence.
Laurentian Bank: Laurentian Bank of Canada.
Some terms and conditions apply. The annual interest rate is subject to change at any time. Rates in effect are: Balance of less than $100,000: 2.20%. $100,000 to $5,000,000: 3.20%. $5,000,000.01 and over: 1.00%. Simple interest is calculated on the daily minimum balance and is paid monthly based on the tiers. Laurentian Bank reserves the right to change the annual interest rate by posting a general notice in each of its branches and on the current rates page.
You will receive a bank statement only when you conduct more than five transactions since the last statement was printed. Applicable account maintenance fees will continue to be charged to your account.
Regular fees apply to all transactions based on the fee schedule in effect as of March 1, 2021. For further information about this service and banking fees, refer to the My Money guide (PDF, 454 KB).