A smiling grandfather and granddaughter lie belly-down on the carpet in front of a sofa, each holding one side of a tablet.


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Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP)

Three plants blooming with coins, from small to big, are being watered with a watering can.


With our special rate, now’s the time to invest in your RRSP.

Boost your investments with attractive returns, while your principal and interest are 100% guaranteed.

Why invest in an RRSP?

  • Powerful savings tool.

    It’s a retirement plan registered with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). An RRSP can help you save during your working years so that you can maintain your lifestyle once retired.

  • Shelters income from tax.

    All returns, such as interest, dividends and capital gains earned from the investments in your RRSP are non-taxable while they remain in the plan.

  • Reduces your taxable income.

    RRSP contributions are tax-deductible, up to a maximum allowable limit.

That’s not all. It gets even better.

Save now to reduce taxes later.

For most people, the income you’ll earn in retirement is less than your income when you’re working. By waiting until retirement to withdraw funds, you’ll access your savings when you’re in a lower tax bracket.

Invest early for greater growth.

The sooner you start contributing, the longer your money has to grow, tax-free. Make your savings work for you.

Carry forward unused contribution room.

If you can’t max out your contribution room, no problem. Catch up on unused contribution room from previous years at any time.

Split retirement income with a spouse.

Contribute to your spouse’s RRSP until age 71 to take advantage of income splitting when you retire. That way, you reduce your income when you contribute, and your spouse claims the income in retirement.

Can’t contribute? Apply for an RRSP loan.

If you take out a loan to contribute to your RRSP, the tax savings can help you pay back the loan. In the long run, the return on investment should exceed any interest you may have paid on the loan.

Fund your education or first home.

Use your RRSP for a Lifelong Learning Plan (LLP) or a Home Buyers’ Plan (HBP). Withdraw funds up to a maximum amount and pay back the loan, tax-free.

Featured investment options.

A gold coin wearing a red motorcycle helmet leans against a stack of coins.


Grow your savings worry-free with guaranteed returns.

Need a safe place to park your savings? With a fixed-rate GIC, both your return and initial investment are 100% guaranteed. That way you can stay focused on your goal.

Two gold coins balance on either end of a wooden plank that sits on top of a pointed post.


Invest responsibly with our portfolios.

LBC Financial Services offers a range of Laurentian Bank mutual funds1 through Mackenzie Investments, one of Canada’s largest investment management firms. From the most cautious investor to the most adventurous, find a fund that’s right for you.

There are four flowerpots. One pot has coins falling into it while the other three have plants blooming with coins.


Invest in the market without the risk.

Looking for an investment with high return potential and minimal risk? Our ActionGIC is a market-linked GIC that gives you access to the stock market while fully protecting your principal.

What can I hold in an RRSP?

Cash account

Term deposits

Fixed-rate GICs


Mutual funds

RRSP lowdown.


The details

Who’s eligible

Canadian citizens who are less than 71 years old with earned income.


Cash accounts, term deposits, fixed-rate GICs, ActionGICs, mutual funds.

Access to funds

Funds can be withdrawn from an RRSP, depending on the type of investments you hold. The amount withdrawn is taxable at the time of the withdrawal and must be claimed as income on your taxes.

Note: The only way to withdraw tax-free funds from an RRSP is through the Home Buyers’ Plan (HBP) and the Lifelong Learning Plan (LLP).

Minimum investment


Contribution limit

The annual contribution limit is the lesser of the two following items:

• 18% of your earned income from the previous year

• The annual RRSP limit

Learn more about RRSP contributions.

Unused contribution room

If you contribute less than your annual allowable limit, the difference will automatically be carried forward to the next year. Any amount you withdraw from your RRSP won’t be added to your contribution room.

Excess contribution

Excess contributions can’t be more than the lifetime cumulative limit of $2,000. The tax on the surplus is 1% per month and applies until you withdraw the surplus from the RRSP.

Contributing to your spouse’s RRSP

• You can contribute to your spouse’s RRSP until they turn 71.2

• The total amount that a taxpayer can contribute to a spouse or common law partner’s RRSP can’t exceed the maximum deductible limit for the year, including contributions to his/her own RRSP.

Account conversion

You can contribute to an RRSP until the end of the year when you turn 71. At that point, it must be converted to a Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF) or used to buy an annuity. With a RRIF, you’re required to take an annual minimum withdrawal, and all RRIF withdrawals are considered income for tax purposes.

Helpful tips and resources.

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Four yellow bars at different levels are arranged vertically to form a bar graph.


Invest with a clear path forward.

Trust our expert advice to help you choose the right investments for your future. We offer a wide range of products with a clear objective: to help your investments grow.

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