What is a bill with variable numbers?
A: It's a type of bill from the same organization but the bill number changes with every issue. For example: SAAQ.
How can I settle a bill with variable numbers?
A: You can pay a bill with variable numbers via LBCDirect Internet (including LBCDirect Mobile), any Laurentian Bank automated banking machine or in person at one of our branches.
Can I pay a bill with variable numbers by phone?
A: No, it's not possible to settle a bill with variable numbers by phone.
How do I go about settling a bill with variable numbers via LBCDirect Mobile?
A: You must first register the bill (fixed or variable number) with your account in order to make it available on LBCDirect Mobile.
How do I go about adding a bill with variable numbers to my LBCDirect Internet account?
A: Akin to bills with fixed numbers, you can add a bill with variable numbers via the LBCDirect website (under the Bill payment tab). However, just click the Help tab for detailed instructions. In addition, you also have the option to call the Telebanking Centre at 514-252-1846 or toll-free at 1-800-252-1846, available 24/7/365. It will be their pleasure to be of assistance.
Must I enter the bill number every time I pay a bill?
A: Since the bill number changes from one bill to the other (i.e. variable numbers), only the company name will be registered to your account. You will be required to enter the bill number for each payment.
May I program post-dated payment on a bill with variable numbers?
A: Yes. Post-dated payments may be programmed for both fixed and variable number bills via the LBCDirect website.
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